Monday, December 18, 2006

Live in Forgiveness

The work of peace is to live in forgiveness--to forgive yourself as you forgive others. There are singular acts we have done in our history that need forgiveness... our forgiveness and actions to bring wholeness or repair where we have done harm. In forgiving ourselves, however, there is often someone else we must forgive. We must also forgive the one we have harmed, however blamless they may be. It is reflexive to assign blame to someone we have harmed.

The will is fairly useless is forgiveness since forgiving is more an act of Grace that arises of its own accord in response to our request for its presence. The grace of forgiveness makes things whole and reconnect.

We may not want to reconnect with someone who has wronged us, but we may want and should have a wholeness where harm was done. Harm, of any kink, brings disconnection.... disconnections brings confusion and a feeling of unease... something is wrong. When we are reconnected and made whole, there is a feeling of being right or righted, put back on track... back on course.

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