Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What to Think?

If we believe and sense that what we need is outside of ourselves and somewhere else--we add to, expand and further construct the complexity of the outside would we search in. The universe responds to a "search" for self, outside of self, by forever generating the space in which to search, think infinite holodecks created by the need to look outside of ourselves for what is inside of ourselves. The search, the will to search creates the space in which we search.We create the universe as a place to go looking for who we are, until we are exhausted, battered and bruised. Then we look in one place only, and a response comes. Out of delusion the voice of reason responds to the honest plea. The universe will expand and multiply itself as we pursue the outward search for what is inside of us. Complexity generates further complexity as it is fed by our search for satisfaction. Eventually what we find through infinite searches farther and farther away from where we are, from who we are... is ourselves. Science will eventually show us that what we search for, in any quest of curiosity, is ourselves. We are always looking, in any quest, for what this universe does not, at first, seem to contain... and that is a genuine rendition of who we are. The genuine self, once known, becomes stationary or still beyond the stillness of creation. All questions cease to be in the consciousness of full knowing and genuine being. Experience of Self is all that happens, and from this place a true beginning can be made and actions leave no wake--we act without arrousing karma, because all actions take place within ourselves without resistance.

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